Getting to Know~
Denise Marie
Passionate About Self-Empowerment
Denise Daniels is a teacher by trade and a life-long learner by heart. She has utilized her Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Master of Science in Instructional Technology in diverse school settings and districts within her native state of Pennsylvania.
She continually pursues her passion for studying self-empowerment practices and enjoys passing on this rich treasure trove of tools and techniques for heart-centered inspiring instruction.
Currently, she is pursuing her Master of Metaphysical Sciences, M.Sc. from UMS.
She has enjoyed learning and gaining insights into the vast realm of many energy-healing modalities.
To just name a few, she is certified in Reiki I, II, and Master level degrees, Karuna Reiki, Holy Fire, Crystal, and Psychic Reiki (Brett Bevell). Her AEP (Angel Empowerment Practitioner), Angelic Reiki, Magical Awakening, and EFT/FTF certifications are in process.
Her life coaching certificates emphasize finding your life purpose and transforming your mindset through spiritual and personal goal setting while co-creating conscious living with the Divine Presence, your Sacred Self that lies within each one of us.
She believes everyone can find and follow their higher purpose and live in profound peace, service, and love by fostering heart-mind connections of abiding compassion, and love sprinkled with gracious gratitude.
When you dance in the direction of your dreams, believe in your abilities, and listen to your indwelling all-loving Divine Presence, your Divine Identity, that eternal Godspark that you are ~ you will become an agent of uplifting change co-creating a better world.
When you become what you seek, sing the songs within your heart, live limitlessly, and courageously step into your self-mastery, self-awareness, and authentic self-actualization, not only will you find joy in your journey, but you will also uplift and elevate the consciousness on Mother Earth to the higher dimensional aspects of Universal Unity.
May you find joy in your journey, abundance in all aspects, prosperity with purpose, miracles in your manifestations, and become the divine dreamer of your Soul's highest callings!
Remember You are Living Proof of a Loving God!
Many Blessings, Much Love, Much Peace!
AS in Nuclear Medicine
BS in Elementary Education
MS in Instructional Technology
University of Metaphysical Sciences
Bachelor in Metaphysical Sciences, B.Msc.
Master in Metaphysical Sciences, M.Sc.
Reiki Certifications
Member of Reiki Association (website)
Reiki Level I & II
Reiki Master Level III
Crystal Reiki
Karuna Ki Reiki
Holy Fire Reiki
Psychic Reiki (in progress)
Life Coaching Certifications from Transformation Academy
Goal Success in Life
Intuitive Development Life Coach
Life Purpose
Master Life Coach
Professional Life Coach
Shamanic Therapeutic Arts
Spiritual Life
Spiritual & Angelic Inspired Certificates
Spiritual Life Coaching
Angel Card Reader
Akashic Records
Angel Empowerment Practitioner (AEP), in progress
Other Certificates
+Add Heart~Math Facilitator
Order of Melchizedek Member
LifeForce Energy Levels I, II, III (Deborah King Center)